Todwong handing over a branded Tshirt to new recruit Ms Asiimwe Joan

NEWS- The NRM Secretary General, Rt Hon Richard Todwong on April 16th 2024, welcomed Ms Asiimwe Joan to the ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM) party.

Ms Asiimwe is a former member of the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) Party who lost trust in the party’s ideologies and in the company of Ms Asiimwe was Buyaga West constituency Member of Parliament Hon Barnabas Tinkasimire and other local leaders from Kitagwenda and Kamwenge districts.

While presiding over the event at the party offices at Plot 10, Kyadondo Road in Nakasero Kampala, the Secretary-General Hon Todwong handed over the NRM constitution, manifesto, and branded shirts as he officially welcomed her to the ruling NRM and encouraged her to read and understand the party’s core principles.

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“I congratulate you on this wise move to join the NRM. The beauty of our party is we galvanize our energies in areas that affect the masses. We speak about the things that affect our masses. We don’t concentrate on the things that divide our people,” Todwong said.

While giving remarks at the event, Ms Asiimwe revealed that she is joining NRM because it holds the future for both the young and old generation.

“I firmly believe in the principles, values and focus that the NRM upholds and I am ready to contribute to the betterment of our country through meaningful political participation,” Ms Asiimwe said.

She made it categorically clear that she left FDC because of loss of direction and purpose from the party after it got divided between Najjanankumbi and Katonga factions.