OBSERVATION: Ugandans risk COVID-19 infections as erratic, negligent behaviour is increasingly displayed in sports grounds
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NEWS- The fresh diary of female football games of Secondary Schools from the districts of Kigezi Region that were supposed to be hosted by Kabale district have been taken to Rukiga district, after finding out that Kabale District will be hosting Inter-College games at the same time.

The Kigezi region USSSA Chairperson, Onesmus Rukundo Rurihoona who is also the Head teacher of Kihanga Secondary School told our reporter that the competitions which are organized by Uganda Secondary Schools Sports Association (USSSA) in collaboration with Association of secondary school Head teachers of Uganda (ASSHU), and fresh diary were expected to kick off on 12th to 14th April 2024.

However, Rukundo said that they later found out that at the same time Kabale district will be hosting National inter-college competitions with several sports events like basketball, tennis, handball, athletics, and football among others, from 11th to 19th of the same Month of April.

He therefore said that they decided to take the games to Rukiga district. This means that Rukiga district will host this year’s football competitions of Secondary schools for both boys and girls since for boys’ games are starting from 5th to 7th this week.

Rukundo said that they will also expect 28 teams to participate in these female football fresh diary games.

Cue in………Rukundo on games