Hon Theodre Ssekikubo displaying signatures of MPs in support of the censure motion

KAMPALA– The movers of the motion seeking to censor the four embattled commissioners of Parliament on Monday evening August 5th 2024 handed in their 189 collected signatures to the clerk to parliament Adolf Mwesige.

The collection of signatures has taken three months to get the required numbers of MPs to notify the clerk to parliament about the censure motion.

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The clerk to parliament will ascertain the numbers of the signatures submitted if they qualify to go on the floor of parliament for debate.

The supporters of the Censure motion led by Led-mover Lwemiyaga County MP Theodore Ssekikubo together with supporters including Kalungu West MP Joseph Gonzaga Sewungu, Aringa South MP Arion Odria, Kalungu East Francis Katabzi.

Shortly after handing over the Censure motion to the Clerk to Parliament, Lwemiyaga County MP also the Lead mover says within 14 days the speaker of parliament will convene parliamentary sitting.

He says the embattled commissioners ought to resign before MPs take action against them as he explains. 

Cue in………Ssekikubo on motion

Kalungu West MP (Kalungu District) Joseph Gonzaga Sewungu says this is all aimed at rectifying the image of Parliament as it had been tarnished.

Cue in………….Ssewungu on motion

Tororo District Woman MP Sarah Opendi says the 4 commissioners who decided to offer themselves a service award, adds that it has not been easy to keep these signatures this long period as some of the commissioners attempted to steal the papers containing signatures.

Cue in……….Opendi on motion

They have also asked the speaker of parliament to prevail over the removal of the barricades on roads leading to parliament which were put there since the attempt by the corruption activists to access parliament. As Aringa South MP Arion Odria explains.

Cue in………….Odria on Barricades