NEWS- The School Management of Muhanga Golden Nursery and Primary School in Rukiga district has purchased a brand new school van (drone) UBQ 877B for easy transportation of pupils.

Speaking to our reporter after officially receiving the drone mini-bus, the school director Oscar Akampurira and the chairperson School Management committee Benson Asiimwe Kaganga said that their pupils have been facing it as a challenge, moving to and from Rwahii, Bukinda and other parts of the district.

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They added that hiring a coaster bus for field trips and during music, dance and drama games for a week were so costly to them. The duo further challenged parents and pupils to take advantage of the drone mini-bus for the betterment of their future.

Some of the parents, Fabiano Kabeni, Evelyn Bushari and Christine Turyatunga with great joy highlighted some of the challenges they have been going through to access the school before the purchase of the school drone mini-bus.

They added that Muhanga Golden Nursery and Primary school being the first private school to own a bus; it’s going to benefit the entire town council and District at large.

The business community led by Asiimwe Abraham commonly Known as Buremezi called for proper usage of the school van to benefit the School and community as a whole.

Buremezi said that the Muhanga Golden Nursery and Primary school van should not be the one seen carrying charcoal, parking in unspecified places but be seen carrying pupils and other school work.