A section of Muslims slaughtering one of the donated cows
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NEWS- Security Minister and Rujumbura Member of Parliament, Jim Muhwezi has donated three bulls to Muslems in Rujumbura during Eid Aduha celebrations on Sunday.

The bulls were given to Kasoroza Mosque for Nyakagyeme Muslems, Katabushera Mosque for Bugangari and Bwambara and one in Buhunga for Buhunga and Ruhinda Muslem community.

At Kasoroza Mosque the district chairperson, Geoffrey Kyomukama represented Jim Muhwezi. He said that Muhwezi was with them in their celebrations.

The chairperson of Kasoroza mosque Nanziri Katoto, said that last Eid fitrir Jim Muhwezi donated 5kg of rice 3kg of beans and 2kgs of suger to every Muslem family in Kasoroza Mosque.

Bashil Arinaitwe led the players at Kasoroza Mosque, he urged woman to avoid talking ill on their husbands to the children.

“The blessings we have are from our fathers but unfortunately some women encourage their children to hate their fathers, little did they know that their fathers are the ones to give their children blessings,” he said.

He urged Muslims to respect each other and their God if they are to get a good place in heaven.