NEWS- Faireventure worldwide and People and Nature Rwenzori Mountains all non-governmental organizations that have patterned with Obusinga Bwa-Rwenzururu on a project of tree planting implemented Kasese District have a successful story after planting over four hundred thousand trees on the bear hills for conserving the nature.
Obusinga Bwa-Rwenzururu signed a contract with the two organizations which started 2019 for five years and was handed today at an event that was held at white house gardens in Kasese town with a call to everyone to enhance community resilience to climate action for sustainability
In his speech Mr. James Thembo the head of field at Fairventures worldwide noted that people with bear hills should turn them forests so that it can increase land value and security, provide biomass and climate regulation and environement conservation.
Mr, Thembo noted that other tree advantages are carbon sequestration and tourism promotion among others.
Mr. Jackson Mumbere the Project Cordinator People and Nature noted that is need for more sensitization and mindset change about environmental conservation especially those who own bear hills and valleys in the District.
Hon Julius Muhindo the Minister for Tourism and Disaster management in the OBR commanded the efforts of the partners and called upon other organizations that have similar projects to come on board.
He noted that once the environment is correctly conserved, it can be a source of income through tourism since its now one of the major and leading sector in the world.
Rt. Hon Noah Nzaghale the speaker of the House of Representatives who represented the Prime Minister of Obusinga Bwa-Rwenzururu observed need for the subjects to embrace water harvesting one way to control running waters which is still a challenge on highlands