Counsel Isaac Atukunda team

NEWS- As the clock ticks to 2026, election pressure continues to mount as those eyeing different political seats start drumming for support from the public.

At this stage, the intending Politicians are currently traversing the areas they intend to represent, especially seeking for people’s opinions on what they would wish leaders should do in their communities.

In Rukungiri Municipality, a section of Rukungiri Municipality residents have already shown readiness and have come out to endorse the North Kigezi Deputy Vice Chancellor Counsel Isaac Atukunda for the Parliamentary seat come 2026.

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The endorsement was sounded by the renowned member of the Forum for Democratic Change FDC Keijukuru Vian, a Municipal Councilor representing Kitimba Ward at the burial of Tumushabe Esther in Kinyabushisha cell, Kitimba ward Western division Rukungiri municipality.

Keijukuru’s endorsement came after Byarugaba Michael, the district councilor representing Western division who was the function’s Master of Ceremonies, informed mourners about FDC’s alleged collapse and claimed that its members were defecting to other political parties.

Byarugaba’s announcement didn’t go well with the mourners, leading to a scuffle for the microphone forcing Keijukuru’s intervention to vehemently deny the claims, asserting his loyalty to the FDC.

Kaijukuru clarified that despite remaining committed to his FDC party, he is open to supporting candidates from any political party who demonstrate the capability to serve Rukungiri Municipality effectively.

“Am an FDC diehard, it is my party and I have it at heart. However, this won’t deter me from supporting a developmental leader like counsel Isaac because what we all want at the end of the day is effective service delivery whether by an NRM or FDC leader” added Kaijukuru Vian.

The endorsement was also vehemently welcomed by Mwesigwa Queen Elizabeth and thousnads of mourners who criticized Byarugaba’s actions, questioning his experience and ethical conduct after he decided to cause confusion and physical aggression as Counsel Isaac Atukunda’s team were simply delivering condolences to the bereaved family.

It should be noted that the said Michael Byarugaba is a Political Assistant to the current Rukungiri Municipality Member of Parliament Dr. Elisa Rutahigwa and his actions are basically meant to protect his boss from the potential opponents eyeing the same seat.

We shall however keep the eyes on the ground to bring you updates on the current state of Political state accross the nation as we prepare for 2026 elections.