Tayebwa, Kachope and Medius Natukunda at Immaculate Heart Girls School
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OP-ED- As a parent of two daughters, one an OG and another as a continuing candidate student, I have taken seven days in a shock of a notice of our HM transfer.

I could not easily believe how it could happen that our hero lady Rev. Sister has finished her tenure of service at Immaculate heart girls Nyakibare Rukungiri yet good things had just began.

Those who are contesting for political position could say no change, mbu mutakarekura ekyimwakwasibwe. Out of this, the old and young should be reminded that life is true; “Change is a factor of life”. However it was sad news to me anyway for the transfer.

Long live dear Rev. Sister. You have inspired my daughters; they are shining at the top in country aspects of talent, innovation and academic progress. I pray, now that our former Headmistress of Immaculate heart, she really deserves to be decorated by government of NRM as a National Hero of tremendous progress for the education sector in Uganda and be granted a parent’s award of 20 cows to take to her farm and brand new parado vehicle.

May God bless you with more years and peace above all. We are ever greatfull. Words to appreciate Rev. Sr. Kachope are not in enough, we need to do better than this to encourage hard work, integrity and good performance.

She offered vacancies to students on merit not selling vacancies, not basing on tribe and religious inclination, was too patient to parents in payment of school fees,  was full  of compassion and mercy, was not a vompromiser for student’s low performance.

I recall a program called Chogam for parents -students space for improved discipline and performance.  May you live longer to celebrate more achievement of your many daughters you have mentored and nurtured at Immaculate Heart Girls Rukungyiri. “Alta continua’

By Dr. Joseph Tindyebwa.