KAMPALA – When it comes to Ugandan HipHop , free style rap, lyrical content and flow,  the name The MITH   makes a  big echo  and cannot  be under rated in this  space.

The  ” I’m  So UG”  patron  has  performed  on various platforms way back and has grown through  that game  and mastered his craft making him  undisputed.

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Though not very common in the media spaces due to his modest and simple  way of  doing things unlike the rest.  

He  still stands tall and commands an audience  especially to  those that appreciate beautiful, original and authentic  HipHop.

On Saturday, December 2,  2023, the main man is having a show dubbed ” Tuyingiire Systeemu”. As the title says, one should prepare and awaken their music vibe for the common World

According to The MITH , it  is a platform  they  have started for artists to share,  music, performances,  tribe and it has proven to be  intimate and  allows people to get to know the artist more and their craft.

For the first edition, he decided to start  with him self so that   people can get to know the man and brains behind the music and It is going to  be a nice way to end a year that has been nothing but giving for  him.

The  Extended Play ( EP)  has 6 songs such as;  ” Stylo” ( featuring  Charles and Sonko Frida) , ” Gwe Asiinga” , ” Good Vibes” ( featuring Akeine ) and others, productions  by new producers and  a wave of new talented artists.

The ” Systeemu” has been a very important project for him  and at the same time  the only one that  was released digitally with  great  incredible reception.

It also a nice way to usher in the last month of the year.   A project that has  fortunately enough  artists get on board to  showcase their prowess  and others hoping to come along.

Formidable   top Disc Jockeys that include ; Nach Mao, and Tha Dropout will be  behind the system spinning the decks not forgetting performances from Navio, Akeine, Ebrahim Soul’o,  Isabirye Mitch , Flex D’rapper and many others that will entertain the audience.

The   HipHop rave will take place at Alliance Francaise de Kampala at only Ugx.30, 000 early bird and Ugx 35, 000 at the gate.


SYSTEEMU is a phrase that came up while he was with  brothers and  friends and it was  used to  to refer to a lituation or party.

It  brings  people into  one world, giving it that name.

The music on the project is inspired by real life,  other music,  Kampala night life,  conversations and arguably that  nice  eclectic piece  curated by  many other factors.