Uganda shillings

NTUNGAMO- Asiimwe Robert of Uganda co-operative alliance (U.C.A) has asked SACCO board members to co-operate and stay focused if their SACCOS are to develop.

Asiimwe who was the guest of honor said this on Saturday during the 24th annual general meeting of Muntuyera co-operative savings and credit limited at Muntuyera High school Kitunga in the school’s main hall in Kajara county Ntungamo District.

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He revealed that the members should aim at eradicating poverty at household level for social – economic transformation and told the members to always use the loans wisely and make sure that they return the money.

The chairman board of directors Rev. Nahoora Benson thanked the board members for co-operating and working together towards the achievements attained by the SACCO this year.

Rev. Nahoora condemned the high loan default rate and asked the loan defaulters to always pay back their loans in the required time.

He informed the L.C.1 chairpersons to always be keen before signing for the people who are requesting for the loans because they use the same collateral and get loans from different financial institutions.

Kwarisiima Agnes the SACCO manager told the SACCO members to work hard and at least raise ten shares each. Kwarisiima asserted that the saving rate is still low and told the members to try to raise the minimum balance so that the saving rate can increase.

Muganga Joseph the patron of the SACCO and who is the head teacher of Muntuyera high school thanked the founders of the SACCO for being with them ever since the SACCO was formed.

Other speakers included the chairperson loans committee Rev. Can.Cranmer Mwesigwa, the chairperson supervisory committee Rwehururu Chris and Habimaana Samuel the SACCO treasurer.