Anthrax prevention measures
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NEWS- A suspected Anthrax disease has broken out I Kanungu District in South Western Uganda where it has already claimed 2 lives and left over 30 people hospitalised due to illness as result of consuming animal products from infected cows.

Kanungu Resident District Commissioner Ambrose Mwesigye Amanyire told journalists during a press conference that there weeks ago livestock farmers in Kambuga, Bugongi, Katete and Nyakinoni Sub counties began losing their cattle due to a disease that was presenting symptoms of Clostridia.

RDC Mwesigye explained that samples were picked and taken to the Government Analytical Laboratory for investigation, while sensitization of farmers was made advising the community to bury carcasses of dead animals, however, some of the people defied and subsequently started developing symptoms similar to anthrax and one of the persons passed on, while the number of the infected grew to 30 as of Tuesday September 17th 2024.

Reliable information now indicate that the samples taken from the infected persons have confirmed that two people including a deceased one were found to be positive with anthrax and a second patient with similar symptom presentation passed on at Kambuga Hospital yestrday afternoon making the total number of deaths to two.

Kanungu District Health Officer, Dr Birungi Mutahunga has provided background during the Task Force meeting that was yesterday held at District Council Hall and said that Anthrax is transmissible between humans and animals, with the bacteria living naturally in soil and animals become infected by ingesting or inhaling spores from contaminated soil, plants, or water.

Dr Birungi Mutahunga said that the incubation period for Anthrax ranges from 1-3 days but can extend up to 60 days in cases of inhalation anthrax.

Kanungu District Veterinary Officer, Dr Tumwesigye Aloysius who had previously raised concerns about cattle deaths in greater Kambuga Sub-Counties said that tests at the National Animal Diseases Diagnostics and Epidemiological Centre in Entebbe have confirmed Clostridial infection in three out of five samples. 

Dr Tumwesigye said that measures were taken, including cattle vaccination and advisories to bury carcasses and avoid consuming or slaughtering dead animals.

RDC Mwesigye Amanyire has since announced a quarantine on all animals following the confirmation of an Anthrax outbreak in cattle within the district and said that the quarantine applies to cows, goats, sheep, pigs and their products until further notice.

RDC Mwesigye reported that 63 cows have died from the disease, 28 are currently sick, and two people have died while another one from Kihihi Town Council is receiving treatment and  emphasized that security forces have been briefed and are on high alert, with butcheries and animal markets closed with immediate effect and warned that anyone found violating of these directives will be dealt with severely.

Anthrax prevention measures


1. *Cutaneous Anthrax:* 

Appears 2-5 days post-exposure as a pruritic papule that becomes an ulcer with a black eschar.

2. *Oropharyngeal Anthrax:* 

Develops 2-7 days after ingestion, presenting with neck swelling, sore throat, and difficulty swallowing.

3. *Intestinal Anthrax:* 

Develops 2-5 days after ingestion, presenting with abdominal pain, fever, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

 *4. Inhalational Anthrax:* 

Begins 1-3 days post-exposure, with fever, nonproductive cough, and potential rapid progression to respiratory failure.

Other Symptoms includea painless ulcer with a black necrotic center, severe breathing problems, shock, vomiting blood, or sudden unexplained death.

Cases should be treated for 7-10 days with Ciprofloxacin 500mg every 12 hours, Doxycycline 100mg every 12 hours, or Amoxicillin 1g every 8 hours and evere cases should be referred to a Health Center IV or nearby hospital.