RUKUNGIRI- Kebisoni Cooperative Savings and Credit Society Ltd (Kebisoni SACCO) is successfully advancing into empowering her members by encouraging them to garner more investments in share acquisition in order to boost their capital base.
Kebisoni SACCO therefore initiated and conducted a Share Promotion code named ‘Orugaburo Rwa Christmas’ where the members who boosted their share capital or new members who purchased the required shares were entered into a draw where the eventual winners walked home with gifts ranging from cows to household consumables.
According to the Kebisoni SACCO General Manager Ainembabazi Advin the promotion started from 1st November 2024 and closed on 15th December 2024 and the promotion was open to existing members and non-members in order to encourage broader participation and the eventual qualifying members were given the deserving gifts.

The primary goal of the promotion was to empower members by encouraging them to invest is more shares which are the core foundation and strength of the SACCO which generate dividends and contribute to financial growth.
The promotion targeted and covered the entire Western Uganda and was open to all individuals regardless of the religious or tribal background so long as the participating member was 18 years or above.
According to Kebisoni SACCO Marketing Officer, Amos Akampurira on top of the Shares promotion, Kebisoni SACCO offers a variety of loan products at a competitive reducing interest rate of 2% which include agricultural loans, school fees loans, Boda Boda loans, Bakazi batunguuke loans, business loans and many more.
At the end of the end of ‘Ogaburo Rwa Christmas’ promotion, 7 qualifying members took home cows, 3 took goats, while othe 2 took chicken and 5kgs of rice.
The winners included Kamusiime Lilian, Muhimbise Andrew, Niwareeba Roland, Kiconco Patricia, Nattabi Angel Atwine Raizo Serugo and Nsanz.