Austin Abaho
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NEWS- The territorial police in Rukungiri district have registered a single fatal accident  involving motorcycle registration number UDY 134Y, where Austin Abaho, 26 year old volunteer at Karoli Lwanga Hospital Nyakibale and resident of Kebison Town council, died on spot.

ASP Elly Maate, the Kigezi Region Police spokesman told the press that the aforementioned victim, now the deceased, left the work place on Sunday morning at about 1:25am at Nyakibale hospital riding the above-mentioned motorcycle heading back to Kebison at his place of residence.

Upon reaching OmuKatogo, Abaho allegedly hit a pot hole, lost control and hit a metallic side road guard and fell down. He was alone on the motorcycle and he died on the spot.

Maate adds that Police was informed, scene was visited and documented, body taken to Nyakibale hospital mortuary for post mortem and motor cycle parked at Rukungiri Central Police station pending IOV inspection as inquiries into the same matter continue.