NTUNGAMO- The Ntungamo District Assistant Resident Commissioner Twakira Daniel Ntoreine has implored political and civil leaders to intensify fight against absenteeism and bribes amongst health workers at health facilities across the country.
The assistant RDC Twakira said this today during the commissioning of modern bathrooms with showers at Ntungamo Health center IV commonly known as Penta Ntungamo Municipality.
He noted that there have been rampant cases of absenteeism and bribes of some health workers who normally appear at the health units to sign in and out but never worked.
Twakira hailed the in charge Dr Kansiiime Julius and health workers at Ntungamo Health center IV for the good work done.
The Mayor Ntungamo Municipality Jacob Kafureeka jack Jex urged all leaders to always use media as the only way to cascade the government achievements in their areas of jurisdiction.
Kafureeka accompanied by his deputy Kyomukama Loy Tumwesigye thanked senior assistant town clerk Ainomugisha Coleta and chairman LCIII Central Division for utilizing the funds diligently.
The chairman LCIII Central Division Robert Mugisha Kanyaate thanked the technical team and political leaders for the cooperation that enabled the Division to construct the first ever modern bathrooms to help the expectant mothers and all patients at large to normally come at the facility.

The senior assistant town clerk Central Division Ainomugisha Coleta asked the leaders to keep the spirit of unity and prioritize their health facility since it admits many people from in and around Ntungamo Municipality.
She thanked the municipal leaders for considering Ntungamo Health center IV and noted that the facility cost UGX 19M.
The chairperson health management committee Lion Byamukama Wilson tasked the leaders to install and equip a theater which has been nonfunctional for several years.
Lion Byamukama also thanked the leaders and committee members for being cooperative and supportive.
Other speakers were Dr Kansiime Julius, deputy mayor Kyomukama Loy Tumwesigye and area councilor Duncan Muhairwe.