NEWS- Approximately 8,000 people in Ngariam County, Katakwi District in the eastern part of the country are living in frantic situations after flash floods destroyed their homes and crop gardens as a result of heavy rains that have crushed the area for the past three weeks.
The intense floods that have caused water logging have also made many villages inaccessible hence forcing residents to seek refuge in Churches, Schools, and trading centers of Palam, Ngariam and Okore sub counties.
78 villages are wedged in Ngariam sub county alone, as 104 villages are reported to be waterlogged in palam sub county, a state which is leaving communities struggling to survive.
The head teacher of Palam primary school Florence Kulume and MARTIN Egwarat the palam LC3 said, the space in classrooms is too small hence sharing with the communities taking refuge.
Elizabeth Acom, the Sub-County Chief for Ngariam noted that the floods have destroyed 12,950 gardens in the 233 households.
Acom added that Oedepus and Osep parishes in Ngariam are completely cut off.

Samuel Okello, Robert Eluny and other residents of Palam, Okore and Ngariam sub counties expressed concern following the torrential rains in the area.
Eight boreholes are damaged, making clean water even more scarce,” she said, calling for urgent assistance to address water and sanitation needs.
Minister of State for Education and Sports (SPORTS) and the Ngariam county legislator Hon. Peter Ogwang revealed that 98% of the households in Palam, Ngariam and Okore sub counties are at a risk of collapsing.
Ogwang urged the Prime Minister’s office to intervene as the condition is dangerous henceforth, requesting for immediate involvement from development partners to provide relief and restore critical infrastructure.
“I am happy for the government’s intervention by providing 3,000 tapplins that will be delivered to the affected families but I’m asking for more assortment of relief items to be given to the communities” Minister Ogwang noted.

Brief about floods;
Floods are the most frequent type of natural disaster and occur when an overflow of water submerges land that is usually dry. Floods are often caused by heavy rainfall, rapid snowmelt or a storm surge as Districts of Kapelebyong, Kumi and Tororo among others in eastern Uganda are also affected.
Types of floods;
Loss of human life. Property and infrastructure damage. Road closures, erosion, and landslide risks, Crop destruction and livestock loss.
According to the report from the World Health organisation, between 1998-2017, floods affected more than 2 billion people worldwide. People who live in floodplains or non-resistant buildings, or lack warning systems and awareness of flooding hazards, are most vulnerable to floods.
Between 80-90% of all documented disasters from natural hazards during the past 10 years have resulted from floods, droughts, tropical cyclones, heat waves and severe storms. Floods are also increasing in frequency and intensity, and the frequency and intensity of extreme precipitation is expected to continue to increase due to climate change.
Story documented by Benjamin Epeduno