( L- R) H.E Xavier Sticker the French Ambassador and Ms.Amelia Savell- Boss, Country Director ACTED , Uganda signing at MoU at the launch of the Food Aid Programe ( Photo / Abraham .M )
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KAMPALA– Food Security is one of the key pillars to be addressed if we are to have inclusion in the social and economic development spaces.

Karamoja region  in the North Eastern part of Uganda is one of those areas  that have struck hard most times due to  floods, drastic unpredictable weather, long dry spells thus  leading to hunger  and malnutrition.

However, there are many  interventions that have been done to address the situation at hand and among is the French Embassy in Uganda.

To solidify their commitment to the cause, they have signed another pact with ACTED Uganda  having a Consortium with CARITAS Moroto Diocese as implementers of the project.

The Food Aid Programme grant is worth  € 535,000 will majorly focus on  vulnerable households in Nakapiripirit and Amudat districts to tackle food security and nutritional health for a period of one year.

H.E Xavier Sticker sharing his remarks at the signing of the Food Aid Pact( Photo / Abraham .M)

Speaking at the signing ceremony, H.E Xavier Sticker said that they have worked with ACTED Uganda for the last 6 years and  have been impressed by the results  achieved in the previous years and their legacy still remains. 

“Through  the  Food Aid  Programme  about 1,500 households will be targeted and over 21,000  people shall benefit with 66 percent  of women giving preference to pregnant ladies, lactating mothers and children under 24 months.

This is an  Inclusive initiative  and  we shall also aim at  improving their agricultural  practices  and skills for vegetable gardens  and this will help in the fight against poverty,   improve agro- ecology and  also  address other environmental challenges” added Sticker.

Ms. Amelia Savell – Boss, Country Director, ACTED , UGANDA making her address( Photo / Abraham .M)

The Country Director , ACTED , Uganda Amelia Savell- Boss expressed her delight for the  launch of the project that has a lot of impact in those areas.

“We have worked with very  many partners and   this wonderful. We have been in Uganda  since 2007 and the areas of Karamoja have a lot of food insecurity and  it is  why we are going there  with Caritas Moroto to implement the project. There is need  to support the programme through agricultural  production since they are  semi – arid and intend to have climate smart practices that adapt to the best way because they are usually  affected by floods.” said Amelia.

She also asserted that their activities will include ; Access to cash transfer, enhancing agricultural skills for vegetable garden for 1,080, restoration of degraded environment (reducing soil erosion, mitigation of climate effect changes, improving water quality, promoting healthy eating habits in schools, raising awareness about nutritious diets both in schools and homes.