NEWS– The Archibishop of Mbarara Archdiocese His Grace Lambert Beinomugisha has challenged Christians to always consider God first in their lives if they want to be successful besides earthly challenges.

Archibishop Lambert Beinomugisha was yesterday speaking during a mass at Kakumbo Catholic Church in Kirugu Sub – county in Rubirizi where he confirmed 80 new beleivers into the Catholic faith.

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The Archibishop noted that Christians should love God, workhard and respect their respective responsibilities as given to them by God if they are to live a happy and meaningful life.

He noted that as much as Church/Religion is very important but christians should take their workplaces and homes as first priorities. Beinomugisha further tasked parents to always teach Christian values to their children at so that they can morally grow up in God’s hand with good dicipline.

Speaking on the same day, the Katerera County Member of Parliament Hon. Haji Muhammad Katoto Kato urged the young generation to trust God, remain disciplined, focussed and learn how to seek guidance from elders if they are to achieve their set goals.

Katoto warned Christians against spending most of their time in uproductive projects like drug abuse, alcoholism since they are not helpful thus challenging all parents/ Christians to take education as the first key to success in their homes.

“Let me tell you parents who are here, you will not see any difference from your old life if you cannot educate your children and help them to attain their dreams”, Hon Katoto said.

Musoke Paul, the Chairperson Kikumbo Catholic Parish Council expressed his gratitude to the Archibishop His Grace Lambert Beinomugisha for visiting them and tasked the newly confirmed beleivers to strengthen their faith and avoid being involved in evil acts since its against  God’s will.

He argued the youths to work hard and attain success stressing that the future is not determined by past experience but current efforts and determination to achieve.