NEWS- The Ministry of Works and Transport, and Authorities in Rukiga District have launched the rehabilitation of an 8.2 Kilometer Mparo-Noozi-Butambi road in Rwamucucu Sub County, which will cost a tune of 1.06 billion shillings. The road that starts at the District headquarters connects to Nyamweru Sub County in Rubanda district.
Speaking as the guest of honor during the function yesterday at Noozi Hamuluka market, the Rukiga County Member of Parliament Hon Rolland Ndyomugyenyi, said that being a member on the Parliamentary Physical Infrastructure he was able to lobby the 1.06 billion shillings from the government under District Urban and Community access roads project in the Ministry of Works and Transport, to ensure better road access in the area.
The Civil Engineer in the Ministry of Works and Transport Engineer Musa Mwine who is the project Manager, said that the project has been contracted by Mita Engineering and Logistics Company Limited for a period 6 Months from Monday next week.
Mwine pointed out that the scope of works include; road clearance, heavy grading, putting first class murram, drainage and constructing permanent bridges on the road. He reminded people that there will be no compensation for any damages, therefore asked locals to harvest crops and clear out all the properties that are within 7 meters from the road.
The Rukiga District Woman Member of Parliament, Hon Caroline Kamusiime Muhwezi and the District LC5 Chairperson Robert Mbabazi Kakwereere warned the contractor against carrying out shoddy work and impunity which is always exhibited by some contractors who are always awarded contracts from central government.
They hoped that the rehabilitation of the road would boost agriculture and other businesses, and asked the people to cooperate with the contractor.