Lt Col Evelyn Asiimwe speaking at the Guest of Honor
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NEWS- The Director of HIV/AIDS Programs in the UPDF and former Member of Parliament representing the Uganda Peoples Defence Forces Lt Col Evelyn Asiimwe has asked the members of Lions International to use their vast network and join the fight against corruption which has eaten up the entire fabric of society in Uganda.

Lt Col Asiimwe made the remarks on Friday June, 14th 2024 while speaking as the Chief Guest at the Installation of Loin Rev Elizabeth Akandinda as the 4th President of Lions Club of Kanungu 411B which took place at Goro Cottages in Kihihi Town Council in Kanungu District.

Lt Col Asiimwe congratulated Rev Asiimwe for accepting to lead a formidable group of membership of Lions Club International which she said was known all over the world for its humanitarian activities that have uplifted the lives of the underprivileged which has been done with utmost transparency.

The function which where 4 new Lion Members were inducted was presided over by Lion John Kikanu Byarugaba who implored the newly installed President Rev Elizabeth Akandinda and her team to ensure that they help the Lions International overcome the challenge of increasing Lion Members from 1.4 million to 1.5 million so that the organisation can increase its membership.

The newly inducted members include Dr Daniel Kasudha, Shallon Uwimana, Violet Namugalu and Oscar Byamukama and the event was attended by Members of Rotary Club of Kihihi led by their President Erasmus Tuyishime, Members of Lions Club of Rukungiri, Mbarara, Kabale and Ntungamo Districts.

According to the Lions Club of Kanungu Director for Services and the Chater President Lion Alex Agaba, they have 3 signature projects that include blood donation and others which they will focus on during the next Lion International Year.

In her acceptance speech Rev Elizabeth Akandinda who was franked by her husband Kamara pledged to serve Lion International to her best ability and ensure that humanity is served.

She said that Lions Club of Kanungu started during COVID-19 pandemic which was a very challenging period but they have managed to steer the organisation to now 4 years and now hope that the future will be better.

Rev Elizabeth Akandinda however, called upon guests who have not joined Lions International to hurry up and join because big numbers are needed to overcome the 1.4 million members challenge and make the 1.5 membership a reality as envisioned by Lions International.

Lion Rev Elizabeth Akandinda franked by her husband Kamara speak at her Installation Ceremony