NEWS- Authorities at Katooke Health Centre II in Bugoye Sub-county, Busongora County North in Kasese district are concerned about the increasing number early child marriages in the area.
Mr. David Collins Muhindi, the Health Centre In-charge says the facility receives a good number of child mothers who come along with their babies especially during vaccination days.
According to him, from January to date the facility has so far recorded 66 young girls aged between 14 and 17, an indication that the area has cases of early marriages.
To his surprise, the cases predominantly involve primary school girls of P.5 and P.6 with most of them having two babies. He, however, attributes the challenge to the parents who secretly negotiate with the perpetrators without the knowledge of the police and other concerned authorities.
The most affected villages include Katooke I with 23 cases, Kayembe with 12 cases, Katooke II with 10 cases and Kirongo with 09 casesamong others.
Responding to the issue, Mr. Aineah Bwambale, the Local Council I Chairperson for Katooke II village said the local authorities and church leaders in the area are working closely to address the pressing concern.