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NEWS- The Minister of State for Education and Sports, who is also the Ngariam County Member of parliament in Katakwi District, Hon. Peter Ogwang has delivered 10million for the construction of St Pacaras catholic church Angobo in Katakwi sub-county.

David Okiror-Opesa, Asha Akiteng and Charlse Ikabat, the Minister’s mobilizer for Ngariam County on Sunday 25th August applauded Ogwang for being a committed leader in solving peoples’ needs through lobbying.

The team that continued to the field on the same day delivered 170 maroon iron sheets worth 10M to Ounyai church of Uganda in Palam sub-county and gave assistance to 36 families in Odoot and Ounyai whose children were baptized.

Jorem Obukui the Chairperson of Katakwi District Sub County Chairpersons urged voters to identify with hard working leaders in terms of service delivery and vote out lazy ones.

Hon. Irene Among, the secretary for Education and community based, called upon the public to embrace government programs and appreciate the work of leaders.

Among who is also the District councilor for Akoboi and Getom said, the friction that other opponents are having in Ngariam is just jealousy of Ogwang’s best work in his constituency.

William Aupal, the chairman building committee at Ounyai church of Uganda acknowledged the receipt of the iron sheets saying, people already decided to vote Ogwang and are only waiting for the polling date.

Rv. Boniface Okiror, an overseer of Ngariam parish church of Uganda said, the minister is remembered by the church for his heart empowering communities.