District Kadhi Rukungiri Sheik Abdul Malik, Asp Davin Wadera and team
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NEWS– The Rukungiri Muslim district Kadhi Sheikh AbdulMalik Byaruhanga Kayole on Saturday, 14th September 2024 made a maiden visit to Rukungiri district main prison in Eastern division, Rukungiri municipality.

During this visit, he prayed with the 31muslim inmates who are currently detained at the facility on various cases and used the occasion to encourage them to place their trust in Allah, emphasizing that he is the only one capable of guiding them from incarceration to freedom.

Sheik Kayole encouraged the inmates to always pray to their creator asserting that Allah can create a path even where there seems to be none sympathizing with those who may be unjustly imprisoned and urged them to maintain faith in the face of adversity .

He further encouraged them not to lose hope but instead use this time in prison to cleanse their hearts so that by the time they’re released, they’re changed Ugandans ready to live happily and comfortable in their respective societies.

District Kadhi Abdul Malik commended the administration of Rukungiri Prisons for allowing religious leaders to pay visits and pray with prisoners stressing that they’re committed to keep serving this role for the good of the prisoners.

Cue in………..Kayole on Prison


He however asked the Judiciary to always consider allowing inmates a chance to be tried in courts of law to gain justice since some have been on remand for a long time without trial.

Cuei in……….Kayole on Judiciary

The deputy Officer in Charge of Rukungiri main prison ASP Davin Wadera expressed gratitude for the district khadi’s visit, crediting the impact of prayer, guidance and counseling in fostering discipline among the inmates, positively influencing their behavior upon reintegration into society.

Wadera added that while in prison, inmates are trained in different vocational skills like carpentry, weaving among others as one way of preparing them to economically sustain themselves once they are out of jail.

Cue in…………..Wadera on skills


Muslim inmates asked the district khadi to donate to them the holy books of Qurans and Muslim attire for their leaders during prayers and thanked him for providing them with a person who spiritually leads and nourishes them in prayers every Friday.

The district khadi pledged to positively consider their demands and to continue supporting them always especially in festive days. On Saturday’s visit, he donated assorted food items to 31 Muslim inmates that included bread, sugar, blue-band among others.

According to ASP Davin Wadera, Rukungiri main prison currently accommodates 689 inmates, majority being men.