RUKUNGIRI– The former Rukungiri Primary Teachers’ College that started in 1980 as a TTC in Nyakaina, under the foundation of the Church of Uganda, has today been handed over to Kabale University, following the agreement between the stakeholders(Kabale University, Foundation body, District, and Government/Ministry of Education and Sports), to be transitioned into Kabale University Rukungiri Campus.
This came as a result of the government’s policy to phase out the core PTCs/Grade III and IV qualifications in favour of the bachelor’s degree.
As part of the transition process, the handover was guided by the Ministry of Education and Sports, and witnessed by all stakeholders (Foundation body, Kabale University Administration(Vice Chancellor and staff), the RPTC Board of governors, and staff, the Rukingiri RDC, Local government, etc).
The Rt. Rev. Onesimus Asiimwe Bishop of North Kigezi clarified the terms of the partnership, stressing that,
“We are not giving a way Church land/Property to Kabale University, we are only transitioning to a greater thing, from a PTC to a University, which will come with better opportunities for development… We are the greatest beneficiaries.”
He also cautioned the Kabale Universty leadership to uphold and adhere to the Christian values of the Church of Uganda, for better collaboration, ie, no lectures on Sundays, decent dress code for students and staff, being exemplary in discipline, etc.
The Chairman Board of Governors RPTC Canon Sabiiti Mahirane appreciated the Ministry of Education and Sports for accepting their proposal of transitioning into a university, the great support and guidance rendered during the transition process.
The Ministry of Education representatives clarified that “the college was not phased out, but re-purposed for greater heights(from certificates to degrees).” They also commended and expressed their confidence in the partnership and pledged their total support during the transition process whenever and where necessary.Â