health Practitioners from the six districts of Kigezi Sub region
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NEWS- Different health Practitioners from the six districts of Kigezi Sub region are meeting in Kisoro District to attend a two day event aimed at strengthening Health systems in the region.

The Kigezi Joint Review Mission brings together various health sector players under the Ministry of Health in collaboration with Kabale Regional Referral Hospital.

Key note speakers including Professor Maniple Bitaitwoha of Kabale University breaks down the theme for the 2nd Kigezi Joint Review Mission  “Reimagining an integrated and efficient Health Care System for Equitable Sustainable and resilient Health Service Delivery, focusing on Primary health Care”.

According to a World Health Organization report 2023,  Uganda is one of the countries on the African continent that experiences 20 and 40 percent of health resources loss in various forms

Kisoro Chief Administrative officer, Swaib Balaba called up on the central Government to increase funds to Local Governments because many continue to operate without access to clean safe water.

health Practitioners from the six districts of Kigezi Sub region

Abel Bizimana, the Kisoro district Boss called up on health workers to advocate for better health.

He said that there must be people in health sector who are more of activists because the country is being disparaged by greedy people who are stealing millions of money that would go to health.

“As people working in health, we must be activists because the country is being disparaged by greedy people who are stealing millions of money that would go to health. I am tired of your silence you health workers, turina kwebereramu”. Bizimana said.