NEWS- The Bishop of the Diocese of Kigezi, Rt Rev Gaddie Akanjuna has warned Christians against indulging themselves in alcoholism and immorality.
While delivering his Christmas and New year’s message in his office at Rugarama hill, Northern division Kabale municipality, Bishop Akanjuna highlighted that alcoholism is on the rise in the community which has led to the rise of immorality, like family break ups and poverty, among others.
Bishop Akanjuna encouraged Christians to stop alcoholism noting that resultant addiction hinders development, and called them upon to engage themselves in income generating activities to bolster their family development.
The Bishop also called upon family members to cooperate and work in unity, especially in handling land fragmentation, stressing that men have left women to do all the work.
He urged parents to use this festive season as a way to talk to the family members as a way to bring the family together reminding them of the loss of a boy child in community involvement urging them to support and help them study for the brighter future.
Bishop Akanjuna also condemned terror attacks citing the recent ones by suspected ADF rebels in Kamwenge and advised Christians most especially those on border posts to be vigilant, steady-fast and alert and since during festive season, people with negative motives tend to use such days to harm innocent citizens.