RUKUNGIRI– The North Kigezi diocesan Bishop Bishop Onesimus Asiimwe on Sunday, August 4th 2024 installed Ven. Benson Akankwasa as the new Archdeacon of Buhunga Archdeaconry and parish Katurika Church of Uganda parish during his maiden, pastoral visit/ familiarization tour and confirmation service.
Bishop Onesimus and Maama Florence Asiimwe were welcomed by Christians and clergy, led by Ven. Benson Akankwasa and Christians with joy and happiness.
Ven. Benson Akankwasa the newly installed archdeacon of Buhunga archdeaconry was recently promoted to an archdeacon having served as a parish priest at Kitazigurukwa COU in Rujumbura Archdeaconry, Rukungiri municipality.

In his sermon, Bishop Asiimwe said that Jesus Christ came for us all to be saved hence challenging those that are comfortable in their sinful life to accept Christ as their personal savior for comfort.
Over 200 Christians gave their lives to Jesus Christ while 75 got confirmed into the Anglican faith.
At the same event, the Bishop prayed for a woman who has been a captive of the evil spirits that have been tormenting her for long. The woman was left rejoicing after the Bishop offered her one hundred thousand shillings, bought her two dresses and a pair of shoes.
The function was attended by a number of clergy, including Archdeacons, reverends, business community among other Christians who overwhelmingly welcomed the Bishop in their Archdeaconry as he continues to do his tours across.

The Bishop has so far visited Kihanga, Kyaruyenje and Katurika Churches of Uganda as he looks forward to visiting Murama, Rusheshe, Mutooma and Mugamba also in the same Archdeaconry.