NEWS- Daughter of Saud Arabian deceased Housemaid has demanded that the remains of her late mother be brought back to Uganda for a decent burial.

Desire Namale has told this reporter that the 250million shillings High court award as compensation for the loss of her mother Milly Namutamba in 2019, who was a migrant worker in Saudi Arabia only soothed part of the loss but she says its hurting to this day to not know what killed her mother or know where she was laid to rest.

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However in his land mark decision yesterday Justice Bonifance Wamala after condemning Horeb International and its  Saud Arabian counterpart Al-Manasa for causing the events that led to the death of Namutamba, the Judge declined to issue an order for the repatriation of her remains saying Horeb International has since terminated its contract with Al-Manasa.

He added that it’s probable that both companies do not know where Namutamba was buried since they lost track of her and he wouldn’t want to issue orders that can’t be enforced.

Now Namale and her uncles want at least Uganda to exploit the bilateral relationship she enjoys with Saudi Arabia to see to it their mother’s remains come back.