Op-Ed- My insights on how we can resolve conflict of Ukraine and Russia. If Russia cannot swallow it pride and allow Ukraine to enjoy its sovereignty as it should be. This business of butchering the population and this horrific decimation of civilian population, and the bombing shelters, and hospitals, indiscriminate mass destruction and senseless death that raining down on Ukrainian.
Men, Women and children, we should never condone this madness of Russian aggression. Mr Putin should save his face and accept diplomatic solution. A cease fire and withdrawal of Russia troops and respect the Ukrainian sovereignty, and perhaps Ukraine would choose to be neutral state.
In finding solutions we can even take a look to Switzerland and to what was done with Austria back then in the 1950s, upto date Switzerland is not a member of European Union neither a member of Nato, and it was recently on “10th September 2002” its when Switzerland become a member of UN.
Switzerland has been neutrality state since 1515, when the confederates were defeated at the battle of Marignano and treaty of Westphalia of 1648, which drew a greater line under 30yrs of war. In 1950s Austria having been part of Germany during World War 11, literally was under occupation by the USA, Russia, Britain and France, however in the 1955, the allies agreed to end the occupation with Austria and Austria became totally neutral in the times of cold War. Similar can be done with Ukraine.
If not the Nato should not shy away, Nato should accept Ukraine membership and support Ukraine 100% and Ukraine gains its territorial ereas and its full sovereignty, but War must stop. That is my suggestion.
Back here on my continent of Africa and on our neighbourhood the democratic republic of Congo which are not domestic, I think the guns will not solve the ongoing conflict in Congo, guns can deal with some terrorist groups which have terrorizing people in this great lakes region, for think Congo should give Eastern Congo Autonomous, because it evident that Congo government is incompetent in terms of control and give security and stability to the people of Eastern Congo, giving the huge area autonomy would tremendous benefiting all people and the regional will at peace.
For God and my country.
God bless Uganda. God bless Africa.