Stephen Kasyaba, Chairman Rubanda District
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NEWS- The Rubanda district Chairperson Ampeire Steven Kasyaba has vowed not to accept any proposal at the district level to shift Hamurwa sub county Headquarters to Nyamasizi parish.

Addressing the locals of Hamurwa Sub County, Kasyaba said that he and the executive committee don’t agree with any person proposing to have the sub county headquarters shifted to Nyakanengo Cell, Nyamasizi parish.

The Rubanda district chairperson said that once he is still the chairperson of the district, he will never allow the proposal to pass through his council.

Kasyaba said that People from Igomanda and Kakole parish can’t bypass Hamurwa Health center IV which is a center to the corner of Nyamasizi parish.

He questioned anybody that is behind the move whether he or she wants Igomanda, Kakore and MuKitengye to be added to Hamurwa Town council.

Hamurwa Sub County and the Town council leaders collect revenues from the same market centres of Karukara and Hamurwa Trading centres and they have been sharing the same building for council sessions.

He further revealed plans of Hamurwa Health centre IV receiving a brand new Ambulance that will help in easing service delivery especially for the referrals and quick response to any health appeal.