NEWS- The leadership of Muhokya Town Council in Busongora County South, Kasese district has interested itself in investigating the reasons behind the involvement of school going children in some fishing activities on Lake George.
Ernest Masereka, the Town Council Speaker says despite the opening of schools, children of school going age are still seen at Kahendero Fish Landing Site doing some petty activities like offloading and cleaning the boats as they arrive.
Countywide, schools opened their doors for first term on Monday February 5, but Masereka stresses that at the two government grant –aided primary schools of Muhokya and Kahendero in the lower local government, the enrolment of learners still remains wanting yet children of school going age are seen at the existing Fish Landing Site.
In addition to the children’s involvement in some fishing activities, Mr. Masereka also explains that others are seen harvesting cotton and mining sand for economic purposes.
He, however, attributes such a challenge to the increased cases of domestic violence in many families hence leading to school dropouts.
In a closely related development, the Town Council speakers also said they have launched investigations to ascertain the reasons why the schools in the area did not perform well in the 2023 Primary Leaving Examinations whose results were released last month.
Similarly, Rev. Yokonia Kamoso of Nyondo Apostolic Israelic Church has encouraged the parents and guardians to take their children to school as a way of preparing them for a bright future.
While speaking to our reporter today afternoon in Kasese town, Rev. Kamoso urged the school to utilize the fees given to them by their parents through staying in school and completing their studies.