The Rukiga SACCO Head office staff being introduced to delegates

NEWS- Rukiga Savings and Credit Cooperative Organization (SACCO) has been ranked 7th among the best performing financial institutions in Uganda.

The good news was revealed by the Commissioner of Cooperatives Development at the Ministry of Trade Industry and Cooperatives (MTIC) Mr. Robert Bariyo Barigye while addressing delegates during the Rukiga SACCO Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 8th March 2023.

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Bariyo confirmed to the delegates that their SACCO is doing well in ensuring quality service delivery to its clients making a lot of profits.

Responding to the recent circulating wave of words against Rukiga SACCO, Bariyo said that his office received a lot of letters from people complaining about the SACCO and in the course; he was forced to dispatch a team to do a forensic audit.

“After a lot of letters which were wrote to my office showing bad issues in the SACCO, I was forced to send my team to do a forensic audit and the finding highlighted some issues, including; Fraudulent financial reporting, Fictions Tax Payments, Fraudulent Mobile Money Banking Weakness in Loan Management among other things that were sorted by the Administrators” said Robert Bariyo.

He further called upon the Board of governors and the entire Management to remain trustworthy towards delivering good services to the people ahead of teaching clients on day to day services and benefits.

The three Rukiga SACCO founders Jack Sabiiti, Ernest and Batanyenda)

In his remarks the Former Chairperson Board of Rukiga SACCO Rev. Fr. Gaetano Batanyenda appreciated Members of the SACCO for disregarding the Rumors which were masterminded to tarnish the name of the SACCO.

Rev. Fr. Gaetano Batanyena said that a lot of words were put to the public by people chasing to save their own interests but to his surprise, people remained firm and steadily standing to continue supporting their Bank.

The Rukiga SACCO Chairman Board of Governors Rev. Ivan Muhoozi said that they had to pass through alot after a section of members ran to courts of law basing on minor issues within the SACCO something that called for a special Forensic Audit.

He assured Members that the spotted issues within the SACCO were rectified and that they are currently focusing much on ensuring proper services to their clients.

Attending the meeting, the deputy RDC Rukiga District Kamusiime Zadoch appreciated the Rukiga SACCO delegates for representing the interests of their people from their respective Branches.

The RDC further appreciated the SACCO founders who include; the former Rukiga County Member of Parliament Jack Sabiiti, Ernest and Rev. Fr. Gaetano Batanyenda who were present and assured them that their Legacy will remain to speak their Name even when they die.

The Rukiga Savings and Credit Cooperative Organization (SACCO) Annual General Meeting (AGM) was characterized by the awarding of the founders with praises, awarding the best servers within the SACCO among others.

Robert Bariyo Barigye addressing members