NEWS- Sheema District Water Department and the district local council leaders have launched a piped water project in three sub-counties of Kyangyenyi, Kigarama, and Masheruka in North Sheema District.
The 12km piped water project will cost the district Ugx. 315 million and is expected to be completed in three months.
The project will see piped water supply to areas of Masyooro, Muzira, Kakindo, Katojo, Kigarama, Mabaare Health Centre III and Rweicumu as well as construction of a water tank at Kyabuharambo Primary school.
While launching the project, Sam Orikunda, the district deputy resident commissioner, tasked the contractors to ensure that they complete the work in the stipulated time frame.
“As the district, we have had challenges where contractors come, launch the project and leave it without doing any work for a long time, and this has led to a decline in service delivery in the district. I now want to caution you to be careful with this project; I want it completed by February next year” Said Orikunda.
Mohammad Musisi, the Sheema District secretary for works and natural resources, asked residents to monitor the project and work together with contractors to avoid shoddy work.
Meanwhile, Abias Nkwasibwe the district engineer said they have already patterned with South Western umbrella of water and sanitation Uganda, a government entity responsible for maintenance of piped water systems in small and rural growth centres to take care of water projects after its completion.
“We have had issues with village water management committees because they have failed to maintain both our source and community taps, that’s why we decided to work with Umbrella. We hope they will maintain water systems and extend services to other areas” said Abias.