Rubaare Health Centre IV in Ntungamo District
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NTUNGAMO- The rampant theft of patients’ belongings and facility equipment at Rubaare health centre IV has sparked outrage among, patients, caretakers and health workers calling for an urgent attention.

Dr. John Wickliffe Barinda the facility in charge acknowledged the theft at the facility after he received complaints from caretakers and patients complaining about the theft emanating from the patients’ ward where some of their belongings are stolen.

Dr. Barinda confirmed to the press that patients steal Mattresses and blankets from the facility and also steal among themselves items like clothes, money, telephones among others.

According to him, some measures have been put in place at the facility to curb down the vice, like thorough check up of discharged patients and caretakers, collecting contacts from patients and caretakers for security purposes of their belongings and facility equipment.

He added that they also have a plan of taking photos and confiscating National Identity of patients being given facility’s blankets to minimize insecurity in the facility wards.

The chairperson Health Unit Management Committee Fred Muhwezi reiterated that the theft at the facility needs a serious attention, stressing that if it is not worked on, the facility will run out of equipment and it will be a challenging factor to admitted patients and the facility at large.