OPINION– What I have to say today is fundamentally very simple, it’s something I have said many times, and If I become president of Uganda by 2026. I will firmly and strongly to enhance the matters concerning human rights, I will make sure that this madness of abusing human rights must stop forever.
No force on earth ever separate us from that commitment, we Ugandans we shall dedicate ourselves to achieve the common standard for all people and all Ugandans, we must work together in terms of making Uganda great.
We must respect human rights regardless in that manner Uganda will become a beacon, a guide to a future of personal security, political freedom, and social justice for millions of people around the African continent, that beacon will be quite distant glimmer of light on a dark horizon of deprivation.
The practice and conditions that destroy the lives and the spirit of countless human beings, political killings, tortures arbitrary and prolonged detention without trial or without charge, these are the cruelest and the ugliest of human rights violations of all human rights.
The most basic is to be free of arbitrary violence weather the violence comes from the government, terrorist, criminal or self-appointed messiahs operating under the cover of political, or religion but the government because of the power which is so much greater than that of an individual have a special responsibility.
The first duty of the government is to protect its own citizens and when are government itself becomes a perpetrator of arbitrary violence against its own citizens it undermines its own legitimacy.
There are other violence of the body and spirit which are especially destructive of human life, hunger, diseases, poverty, now are enemies of human potential which are as relentless as any repressive government, the Ugandan people want actions.
Their government our government will tirelessly work to reduce both human suffering and increase human freedom that’s why with the help and encouragement of many of you in this country when the time comes please stand with and we make a great Uganda.