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The Cancer of Corruption: Uganda’s Endless Agony- By Odeke Bazel

OPINION- In the heart of Africa, a silent killer ravages the very fabric of Ugandan society, leaving a trail of...

Who’s Dr. Sylvia Arinaitwe? Here are some of her achievements in Rukiga so far

OP-ED- Dr Sylvia Arinaitwe, the Deputy Managing Director, Finance and Corporate Strategy at National Water and Sewerage Corporation, is a...

Uganda’s hopeful Presidential candidate Prince Emmanuel Musanje’s stance on Human rights

OPINION- What I have to say today is fundamentally very simple, it's something I have said many times, and If...

Why NUP should prepare to trek on the same tale, if not the worst?...

OP-ED- NUP that emerged as a victor opposition party in terms of numbers in parliament (61 MPs) took the country...

Clarifications on 2026 Presidential Aspirant Musanje Emmanuel’s Genius Economic System to Eradicate Unemployment in Uganda

Op-Ed- Many people after reading my article in the informer ug, on 16th April 2022, asked me to clarify on...

An Ode to the Rotarian’s Quest- By Rtn CPA Frederick Wanume Kibbedi

On this Labor Day, let us honor and praise, The Rotarians, whose service knows no bounds or maze. From the four corners...

Why United Forces of Change is still a barking dog- Odeke Bazel

OPINION- After he took over power in 1986, the then 44 year-old President Kaguta Museveni said, "this isn't a mere...
Coronavirus raids New Vision and Monitor Publications as cases surge in Uganda

THE COFFEE STRUGGLE- By Robert Kabushenga

OPINION- Since Thursday night, I have been asked repeatedly whether TheCoffeeStruggle is over. The simple answer is NO! If you...

One of Musanje Emmanuel’s master Plans to Eradicate Unemployment in Uganda

Op-Ed- I Will Introduce What We Call (Genius Economic System) Poverty level in Uganda has doubled year in year out, many...

Detoriating human security in member states should be a key concern to the EAC

NEWS- There is concurrence amongst security experts and scholars that the greatest challenge to human security has its roots in...