NEWS– The Kabale Chief Magistrates court on Thursday charged and granted bail to 3 people over threatening violence against the Kabale Deputy Resident District Commissioner Ronald Bakak.

The incident happened on (Tuesday) May 21, 2024 at Kabale district headquarters located at Makanga hill, Central division, Kabale Municipality. Burera Aphsa, Mukakigeri Vasitina  and Nyamurwana  Charles had appeared before Bakak’s office to settle land wrangles with a section of their relatives led by Agnes Mukamanzi and Bizimungu Moses Kewell all from Kanyakyiriro cell, Nyabikoni Ward, Central division in Kabale Municipality.

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However during the mediation process, Burera, Mukakigeri and Nyamurwana sharply disagreed with Mukamazi’s faction to the extent of exchanging blows. 

Bakaki cooled down the situation, advised them to go home and return when they are not angry.

This angered Burera, Mukakigeri and Nyamurwana and attempted to assault him on top of threatening to deal with him. Bakak says that this led him to open a case against the trio at Kabale police station that led to their arrest.

Court that was presided over by the Kabale Chief magistrate Derrick Byamugisha heard from prosecution led by the Kabale Senior state attorney Julie Nanjunju that Afisa Burera , Vastina  Mukakigyeri  and Swaibu Nyamurwana  on 21st May 2024 while at Makanga Hill in Kabale municipality  threatened to beat up the Kabale  Deputy RDC Ronald Bakak .

The trio all pleaded not guilty to the charges and it was through their lawyer Anthony Aryanyijuka of Bitwenda and company advocates that they asked for bail on grounds that the offence is bailable by the chief magistrate’s court. The accused are still presumed innocent until proven guilty they have a right to appeal for bail and that they have substantive sureties and they are of advanced age as all of them are over 60 years.

Nanjunju told court that investigation into the matter is over as he asked court that it sets the date when the hearing of the case can kick off.

His worship Byamugisha then granted the trio a non cash bail of Ugx 2 million and there sureties each was bonded Ugx 5m non cash. He then adjourned the case to 22nd July 2024 when the hearing will kick off.