Prof. Lutaro Bbosa addressing students as University Secretary Evelyn Kyokunda listens
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NEWS- The Vice Chancellor, Team University Kampala, Prof. Lutaro Bbosa has insisted that the distance learning program is the best for the working class as you can continue doing your job while studying.

“We started this program with very few students but we have thousands of students, especially on post graduate diplomas and masters studying online,” he said.

Lutaro Bbosa said this on Thursday December 14th 2023 while briefing the students on distance learning who had turned up for final exams at Team University Kampala.

Lutaro Bbosa praised the students for choosing Team University for their studies among the universities we have in the country.

“During our time there was no alternative because we had only one University in the country unlike today when they are over 60 now, we can’t take it for granted for you to choose our University,” he said.

He added that the good team of the dedicated staff was a reason why many students are joining Team University. Lutaro Bbosa added that the function was to remind the students about the rules and regulations of examination before they sit for papers.

The post graduate students of Team University started examinations on Thursday 14th December up to Sunday 18th December at Kabaka’anjagala road Mengo Kampala.

“We know you have passed through a series of examinations at this level but we still have to remind you about the rules and regulations of doing exams here at Team University,” he said.

The academic registrar Dr. James Segawa, reminded students that they must be in the examination hall at least 15 minutes before examination and no any smuggled documents, laptops, books and phones will be allowed in examination hall among other rules and regulations.

Olivia Nice, a breastfeeding Mother from Kakumiro doing post graduate diploma in finance management said that if it was not for Team University that brought the education in their offices and sitting rooms she wouldn’t have managed to study the course.

“As a breast feeding mother it was not easy to leave the job and come here with a child for a course but when chance finds me at home, i had to enroll and study while on job and looking after my children at home,” She said.

Jackson Kamunyu from Bundibugyo said distance learning has tamed many people especially men who used to hang out in evenings now they don’t have that time as they are always working on assignments.

Bernard Atwesigye from Rukungiri praised Team University for cutting down the fees for education by bringing services nearer to them.

“Majority of students fail to enroll because of exorbitant fees for hostels and feeding as this program favors those who would have missed out for the lack of functional fees,” he said.

Jenipher Byabona from Mukono said the government should think of supporting such universities as they teach citizens at the lower fees which the government should have done. 

She said was happy as she is completing her post graduate diploma without incurring any debt or loan to do it.

Some of the students listening to Prof. Lutaro Bbosa during briefing at Team University