NEWS– Kabale District Council this week rejected Serina Kajimba as a New Member of the district service commission over forgeries and contradicting statements in her Curriculum vitae.
This was revealed during the ugx49 Billion Budget approval for the 2024/25 financial year at the district Rukiko Hall.
Hon Richard Mporera the chairperson of finance, works and administration and who represents the Elderly at the District presented the committee findings which recommended the name shouldn’t be approved by the district council over the following reasons.
Mporera quoted the Local Government act chapter 56 sub section 1(A) which says a person shall not be appointed as the member of the district service commission unless that person is (A) of high moral character and integrity.
(B) Mporera added that there was no CV in the second submission unlike in the first sub mission and they didn’t know if she was a different person from the first one.
(c) Mporera said that the Name Kajimba transferred services from Kabale on 29th April 2019 and that the same Name again, Rubanda District Service Commission and Under Minute Number RDSC14/22 to prepare for Retirement for Terminal benefits with effects from 4th April 2022.
(E) Mporera said that Kajimba wrote in her CV that from 2001-2003 she was in Kyanamira Primary School where she retired from on 4th April 2004 and that in the same year, she was asking for the same retirement from Rubanda.
He added that the LC1 Letter which recommended her on 12th Feb 2024 was dated 3rd Feb 2015 yet the stamp used is of the recent which were given out after the 2021 Election among others.
Cue in……………Mporera on Kajimba
The district speaker Flavia Nyinakiiza Kanagizi said that there are contradicting statements in the CV, Forgery among others.
Cue in………..speaker
Some of the councilors who never wanted their Names to be revealed nor have their voices recorded said that Kajimba was rejected because she comes from a catholic faith. They added that politics at the district is based on religion