A section of Muslims at the function

NEWS- The Kanung Muslim District Khazi Sheikh Abdallah Mpabuka has urged Muslims to always appreciate and be thankful to people who stand with them.

Sheikh Mpabuka made this call on Sunday December 3rd 2023 during a thanks giving ceremony at Rutendere Mosque with the primary goal of raising funds for the mosque’s roofing where a total of Ugx. 12,466,000 was raised. 

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The ceremony was organized by the Munegu family of Bikuto in Butogota Town Council, Kanungu district, the event originated from Mzee Yusufu Munegu’s inspiration during a Juma prayer at Rutendere Mosque, where heavy rainfall disrupted the proceedings.

District Kadhi Abdallah Mpabuka led the ceremony, expressing appreciation for the Munugu family’s initiative. Baroozo Augustine of Akabha Engineering Company, representing Christopher Safari, was acknowledged for significant support.

Special gratitude was extended to Hon. Patience Nkunda for consistent support to the Muslim community, emphasizing her responsiveness to Muslim causes. Hon. Kansiime Honest was also thanked for contributing to the construction of the mosque.

His thanks was not limited to MP Kinkiizi East and Minister for ICT and National Guidance for the gratitude and love he showed to Muslims when they officially opened Kayonza Muslim Twale on 27th/Nov.2020 when he was the Minister of state for lands, housing and urban development, adding that leaders with no discrimination to different religious sectors are blessings to the Nation. 

Prayers were offered for the late Kakobe Muhammudu, the donor of the mosque’s land, with a call for Muslims to emulate his generosity.

Adam Aziizi Chairperson Kayonza Twale with gratitude called for togetherness in both religions, emphasizing that Muslims alone couldn’t have done what has been done today without the help of their fellow brothers and sisters.

He informed Kayonza Twale Muslims about a thanksgiving prayer on 08/12/2023, aiming to raise funds for operating uniform district offices in Kayonza, Kinkiizi West, and Kinkiizi East Twales.

Sheik Adam Beshesa, the new County Sheikh of Kayonza Twale, appreciated Sheik Hassan Bataringaya’s service in Kayonza and thanked Mr. Safari Christopher for prompt responsiveness to the Muslim call, affectionately nicknamed Mwebasa to address the historical marginalization of Muslims in development.

Barozi Augustine of Akbah Engineering Company, representing Mr. Safari Christopher, expressed gratitude for the invitation, promising continued support for Muslim causes. Apologies were conveyed for Mr. Christopher Safari’s absence, with a request for another organized function where the guest of honor could be present, ensuring a different dynamic.