NEWS- Christians of Christ the King Catholic Church Olilim, Palam Sub County, Katakwi District, today welcomed their new Parish Priest, Fr. Cuthbert Eladu with ululations, joy and enthusiasm.

Fr. Eladu takes over from Fr. Ambrose Ogwang, who has been reassigned to Aturitur Catholic Mission in Kumi District to continue with his pastoral work.

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The Parish Council Chairperson, John Micheal Koluo expressed gratitude to the Christians for their warm welcome and wished Fr. Ogwang is well in his new role.

Koluo also took the day and acknowledged the support of the area MP Peter Ogwang in completing the construction of Christ the King church.

/////////////CUE KOLUO/////

John Robert Eluny, a member of the congregation, pledged to maintain a strong connection with Fr. Eladu to foster development in the community.

At the welcoming ceremony, Minister of State for Education and Sports Hon. Peter Ogwang who was represented by Hon. Jorem Obukui, presented Fr. Eladu with a gift of a brand new sofa set of chairs worth Shs2m and additionally, donated Shs2.4m towards the preparations.

He urged the Christians to support Fr. Eladu with innovative ideas and valuable information to promote the church’s growth.


The event drew attendance from district leaders and the general public, demonstrating the community’s excitement and commitment to their new Parish Priest.

The excited Parish Priest and Christians Hailed Hon Minister, Peter Ogwang for being a loyal leader.

As the second Priest to serve Christ the King Olilim since its inception, Fr. Eladu’s arrival marks a significant milestone for the community.

////////FR ELADU ON OGWANG/////