NEWS- Over 100 people of different categories fetched from diverse parts of Ntungamo district were on saturday January 6th 2024 advised to put into consideration what they were taught during the closure of one week Entrepreneurship and Job Creation awareness Training held at Rubaare town council headquarters.
The training was organized by Management Training and Advisory Centre (MTAC) and the appeal to the participants featured from the remarks of the Community Development Officer Rubaare town council Mrs Juliet Natukunda who presided over the closure of the training.
Natukunda urged the participants to go out and change the minds of those who missed to attend the training and at least start something to be exemplary.
She promised that the council of Rubaare in collaboration with district leaders will support those who participated in the training if they are ready to form groups and put in consideration of the skills acquired during the training adding that she will make sure that skills are promoted in Rubaare.
The trainees were fetched from areas of Rubaare town council, Rwentobo-Rwahi town council, Rwikiniro Sub County, Rubaare Sub County among other sub counties and town councils.
These were trained in making liquid soap, bar soap, jelly/gel, reusable sanitary pads and charcoal briskets among others.
Mr Jasper Magara, a lecturer at Management Training and Advisory Centre (MTAC) Main Campus Kampala said that for zealous observations from the participants, he will try to get for them a machine to use in making both liquid and bar soap.
Magara warned the youths not to shun from attending such hands-on training stressing that they help them to employ themselves and earn a living for their future and improve their income status.
Mr Solomon Ongom, the IT assistant MTAC also a lecturer said that skills are essential in subsidizing the expenditures since the raw materials used to make the items are with their surroundings, like clay, cow dang, charcoal remains and water to make charcoal briskets are around with them.
Ongom added that they are marketable like liquid soap is used in government offices for cleaning, schools and health facilities and warned the participants to mind about measurements when preparing soap and gel to avoid negative effects on human beings.
The training’s chief facilitator Zerubbabel Wanambwa said that people with hands-on skills will never regret anything since they are capable of earning some income on a daily basis.
One of the beneficiaries in the training Patrick Mbabazi hailed the Management Training and Advisory Centre (MTAC) for organizing a benefiting training among the people of Ntungamo, and he hopes that if the skills equipped with them are put into consideration, they will help the community generate money with low inputs.
Ms Caroline Kanyesigye, a youth who attended the training, urged the youths to embrace such trainings when they happen to be in their areas since they benefit the educated and non-educated.
Other speakers were the director Ndera institute Mrs Mercy Kyomugisha, Chief Onesmus Ayinebyoona who was the coordinator and Ruth Nansikombi also the facilitator from Management Training and Advisory Centre (MTAC).