LRA's Thomas Kwoyero
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NEWS- The Judiciary says it has reached a milestone with the completion of the trial of LRA senior Commander Thomas Kwoyelo.

The International Crimes Division of the High Court on the 13th of this month found Kwoyelo guilty on 44 counts of war crime and crimes against Humanity but acquitted him on 31 counts for lack of sufficient evidence.

Adressing the media today on the quarterly performance of the Judiciary at the High Court headquarters here in Kampala, the Judiciary’s public relations officer, James Ereemye Mawanda said that as the Judiciary, completion of such a public interest case after a decade was a huge achievement not only to the Judiciary but also to Uganda and the world at large due to the international nature of the case.

“It was a milestone and greater achievement for Uganda.”

According to his-worship Ereemye, seeing the case completed involved preparations including; talk shows on Radios in Northern Uganda, where the case was held and the crimes committed.

Lucy put on the last line that the ICD Court is sitting today with the state, Kwoyelo’s lawyers and that of the victim’s to give their opinions before   the Court sentences him.

He says the ideal reason for this was to engage Ugandans and make them aware of the long awaited Thomas Kwoyelo.

The said crimes were committed during the 20 year insurgency war led by LRA leader Joseph Konny in Northern Uganda.

Konny is still a wanted man by the ICC and the court has since put up a 5 million dollar reward for anyone with information leading to his arrest and prosecution.

Cue in…………Mawanda on case