Op-Ed- I Will Introduce What We Call (Genius Economic System)
Poverty level in Uganda has doubled year in year out, many Ugandans caught up in person indignity and human tragedy of unemployment.
Through my genius economic system, we must act now and act now must not be timid, we must restore the freedom of all men and women to excel and to create, we will unleash the energy and genius Uganda and I will ask everyone to work in the spirit serving Uganda.
I will firmly urge the great institutions in the country, business and labour to be guided by the national interest and am confident it will work. Interest of all the people we can create the incentives which take advantage of the genius economic system.
The system will give a way of producing wealth in which the great fortune of others multiplied their own, my aim will be as a president to increase our nation wealth and share of scarcity and begin to reward hard work and eliminate negative forces in putting tough measures to fight corruption.
So my fellow citizens let us join in a new determination 2026 presidential election to rebuild the foundation of our society to work together to act responsibly, let us do so with the most profound respect for that which must be preserved as well of a sensitive understanding and compassion for those who must be protected then we shall be able to leave our children a none repayable massive debt and a shattered economy nor we can leave them liberty in a country where every individual has the opportunity to be whatever God intended us to be.
All it takes is a little common sense and recognition of our ability, together we can forge a new beginning for Uganda. God bless Uganda.
Prince Musanje Emmanuel,
For Uganda’s Presidency 2026.