KASESE- Authorities of Rwenzori Theluji Marathon which is scheduled for September 05th-08th have outlined a number of activities which would feature in the event for it to be successful.
Speaking to the press in Verina Gradens Mr. Benson Baritazare Kule, the chairperson of board of Directors for Kasese tourism investor’s forum (KTIF) highlighted that the festivals role in uniting the diverse tribes and culture that have coexisted harmoniously in the Rwenzori region through a cultural gala.
The event would also brings together the rich traditions and diverse cultures of the Rwenzori region, showcasing collective identity through good, dances, coffee shows, canoe rides, bicycle cycling which he says would deepen cultural exchange, fostering unity amd mutual respect among communities.
Other activities includes tree planting, cultural exhibition, cow milk experience, women in business training and youth in tourism training among others.
Mr. Baritazare also emphasized the festivals commitment to environment conservation particularly through my tree my Theluji tree planting campaign.
Mr. Charles Police the chairperson organizing committee for the event says on the business sector, KITF noted that the festival is also a catalyst for economic development.
He said that by connecting local entrepreneurs with broader market opportunities, they are fostering a thriving tourism industry that benefits local communities and contributes to the regional economy.