Albert Mukundane- Poet

OP-ED- The innovative farmers confronted by climate change phenomenon 

Donor caring organizations restricted in the pilot areas 

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The producers operating high cost of production 

School management systems ignorant of the agenda 

Who will take charge for school feeding in Africa?

Are they the prayer warriors looking for divine intervention?

Land owners at expenses of conflicting tenants.

Daily assemblies with no binding resolutions.

The nutrition clubs stagnated in the informal sector.

Who will take charge of school feeding in Africa?

Extension workers looking for survival tips.

Food processors lacking the standard codes.

The big honourable in the poor game of politicking.

Established feeding zones affected and infested by pests and diseases.

Who will take charge of school feeding in Africa?

Research centres with hanging reports 

Rural populace covered by ignorance blanket.

Mushrooming business units with stiff competition.

Fragmented and marginalised suppliers with abandoned stock.

Who will take charge of school feeding in Africa?

The innovators in the technological crash.

The viable projects in the corrupt environment.

Hanging food store with no continuing food reserves.

The neighbouring fraternity in the food crisis.

Who will take charge of school feeding in Africa?

Mukundane B Albert 

P.O Box 1340 Kampala, Uganda 

Cooperative and Agribusiness Management Specialist/African Poet 

