NEWS– The territorial Police in Rukungiri District are hunting for a suspect who knocked a 55 year old Justus Muhwezi with a vehicle and died instantly.

The deceased according to ASP Elly Maate the Kigezi Region Police spokesman was the manager Kings Hotel Rukungiri and resident of Rwenkurijo cell, Rwentondo ward, southern division in Rukungiri district, who is alleged to have been knocked by one William Sebikaru who is currently on the run.

Maate told the press that Justus Muhwezii the manager at Kings Hotel was working with Nabimanya Patience, who was an accountant of the same hotel and married to William Sebikaru the suspect.

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That two months ago, an allegation rose up that Muhwezi Justus the deceased was having an affair  with Nabimanya Patience and the husband William 

Sebikaru started threatening the manager and Nabimanya Sadres alias Sandrah, a hotel attendant that she was  the dui’s go-between.

On 17th December 2023 at around 10am as Nabimanya Sadres alias Sandrah was going for church service, she was met by Sebikaru who gave her a lift but instead drove her up to the gate of  Riverside Hotel.

Upon reaching at the gate before coming out of the vehicle, Sebikaru told her boldly that “Am going to kill u” pinning her that she is becoming a bridge of breaking his marriage. He then picked a panga from his car boot to cut her, but Sadres managed to run a way.

Maate adds that on 18th December 2023 at around 11:30am, while the manager was on a boda boda registration number UFM373V bajaj boxer heading to work having passed by KASI petrol station along Rukungiri Ntungamo road, Sebikaru followed them while driving his vehicle Toyota Harrier UBH 562 C and intentionally knocked them from behind. 

Muhwezi fell off the boda boda before Sebikaru followed him up and hit him again until he was rushed to Nyakibale hospital in critical conditions where he died from after being admitted. 

The suspect abandoned the vehicle in Buyanja and escaped according to Maate.

The Regional Police PRO confided to this reporter that officers were alerted, a case of murder was registered at Rukungiri CPS, scene visited, examined and documented by traffic and a team of detectives from homicide.

Statements of the eye witnesses were recorded, vehicle registration number UBH 562C and motorcycle UFM373V were impounded and parked at Rukungiri CPS and postmortem done as inquiries are at hand.